120Hz vs 240Hz Refresh Rate TV

September 22, 2021


Are you in the market for a new television and are feeling a bit confused about whether to buy a 120Hz or 240Hz refresh rate TV? Don't worry, you're not alone. In this article, we'll break down the differences between these two refresh rates, so you can make an informed decision based on your preferences and budget.

What is refresh rate?

Before we dive into the comparison, let's define refresh rate. Refresh rate refers to how many times per second a display, such as a TV, refreshes or updates the image. This is measured in Hertz, or Hz for short. So a 60Hz TV refreshes the image 60 times per second, while a 120Hz TV refreshes it 120 times per second.

120Hz Refresh Rate TV

Let's start with the 120Hz refresh rate TV. A 120Hz TV refreshes the image twice as fast as a 60Hz TV, resulting in smoother motion and less motion blur. This is particularly noticeable during fast-paced action scenes, sports, and video games.

However, there are some downsides to a 120Hz refresh rate TV. First, they tend to be more expensive than 60Hz TVs. Second, not all content is produced at 120 frames per second, so you won't always see the full benefit of the higher refresh rate. Finally, some people find that the higher refresh rate can create a subtle soap opera effect, which can take away from the cinematic experience of watching movies.

240Hz Refresh Rate TV

Now, let's talk about the 240Hz refresh rate TV. A 240Hz TV refreshes the image four times as fast as a 60Hz TV and twice as fast as a 120Hz TV. This results in even smoother motion and less motion blur than a 120Hz TV.

However, just like with 120Hz TVs, there are downsides to a 240Hz refresh rate TV. They tend to be significantly more expensive than both 60Hz and 120Hz TVs. Additionally, not all content is produced at 240 frames per second, so you won't always see the full benefit of the higher refresh rate. Finally, some people find that the higher refresh rate can create an overly smooth or "plastic" effect, which can be distracting.

Which one should you choose?

Ultimately, the choice between a 120Hz or 240Hz refresh rate TV comes down to personal preference and budget. If you're a sports or video game enthusiast, you may want to consider a 120Hz TV. If you're a die-hard cinephile, a 60Hz TV may be your best bet. If you have a larger budget and want the smoothest possible motion, a 240Hz TV could be for you.


We hope this article has provided you with a clear understanding of the differences between 120Hz and 240Hz refresh rate TVs. Keep in mind that while a higher refresh rate can result in smoother motion, not all content is produced at that speed. Consider your personal preferences and budget carefully and choose the TV that is right for you.


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